It Amazes Me!!!!

04 June 2019

It's unwise to pay too much... buts its worse to pay too little. When you pay too much you lose a little money - thats is all.. When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything, because the thing you bought was incapable of doing the thing it was bought to do. The common law of business balance prohibits paying a little and getting a lot - it can't be done. If you deal with the lowest bidder it is well to add something for the risk you run. And if you do that you will have enough to pay for something better.

John Ruskin.

This quote is so so true... I see adverts and promotions from companies everyday offering: Get your Will written for £19.99, Get our Will kit it only takes 10 minutes to write your will?? or Buy a Will kit from WH Smiths for £17.99... and the amazing thing is people actually do this...

What do you think possesses people to consider these solutions to protect there families and loved ones when they are gone?? Lack of knowledge... if people do not understand the implications and the importance they will not pay more than they think something is worth.

Do they think these solutions are value for money?? maybe they are?? but to me it is saying I'm not really bothered about my family and loved ones. I don't care about my lifetime of hard work scrimping and saving to make a good life for myself and my family. I'm not bothered about the additional Tax my estate will pay that could have gone to my family. I'm not bothered that my estate may not pass to the people I would want it to pass to. Amazing....

The fact is your Will and Estate Planning is the most important thing you will write.... fact.

Most people are trying to create a good life for themselves and their loved ones by working hard, paying taxes, saving for that rainy day, acquiring assets, paying off mortgages and paying into a pension all to make a better life... but for who???

Without the right planning in place who will benefit?? I can assure you it will not be the people you would want to benefit most. When you die you lose the ability to decide what and who will benefit from your estate and your family will not thank you for spending £17.99 on Will kit from WH Smiths when your assets are lost to the tax man, creditor claims, divorce, care fees. Having a basic will is better than not having a will but will it do what you expect it to do??? probably not..

As it says in the quote paying a little and getting a lot can't be done... If you want to ensure your estate passes to your loved ones in the most tax efficient, full protected and secure way having the advice of experts is the only way to go.

If you would like to discuss your estate planning requirements, receive a fully recommended individual estate planning report, and have the expert legal backing and ongoing advice and support of a large estate planning Tax and Trust Corporation, please contact me on 01249 704863 or email me on /